Free Adwcleaner, Resolve virus problem

Does anyone can help me to resolve this?

Free Adwcleaner – Yesterday , i’ve been trying to resolve virus problem . i tried install AVG and Malwarebytes to fix the problem and it doesn’t work . Now , i scan the laptop with adwcleaner from malwarebytes and well, all virus was deleted but now i got new problem , i can’t turn on the windows defender . everything i do is not work, from fixing on registry , services.msc, and gpedit.msc and still not work . can you help me to resolve this? thanks .

Windows Defender Notification Problem : The service couldn’t be started. ( Error code: 0x8007139f
Registry : DisableAntiSpyware value data still 0
Services.msc :
– Security Center : Automatic
– Windows Defender Network Inspection Service : Manual ( cannot be started )
– Windows Defender Service : Manual ( cannot be started )

Free Adwcleaner, Resolve virus problem

Fixed problem Service list ( if you saw this problem , please delete . don’t be late, this program can infected your registry and program ) : – vToolbarUpdater40.3.7
– WtuSystemSupport
– KuaizipDrive
– KuaizipUpdateChecker
– WindowsSecurity
– ucdrv
– serverss

Laptop :
Win 10 Enterprise (x64)
Intel i3 (1.7 GHz)
Intel(R) HD Graphics(Nvidia GEForce 930M)


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