Contoh Dialog Showing Care / Sympathy dan Artinya

Contoh Dialog Showing Care / Simpati dapat didefinisikan sebagai “ungkapan perasaan perduli dan bersedih Anda atas masalah, kesedihan, dan kemalangan, orang lain“. Dalam bahasa Inggris ada beberapa ungkapan yang umumnya digunakan untuk menunjukkan rasa simpatik atau keperdulian kita kepada orang lain baik itu dalam kondisi formal, informal, dan juga kondisi netral. Beberapa contoh ungkapan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

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Contoh Dialog Showing Care / Sympathy dan Artinya

Contoh Dialog Showing Care
Contoh Dialog Showing Care

Showing Care/ Sympathy in a Formal Situation

  1. Please accept my condolences. (when someone has died)
    – Terimalah belasungkawaku. (ketika seseorang telah meninggal)
  2. I sympathize with your condition.
    – Saya bersimpati dengan kondisimu.
  3. What a terrible situation for you!
    – Situasi yang mengerikan untukmu!
  4. You have my deepest sympathy
    – Anda memiliki simpati terdalam saya
  5. One should not worry too much
    – Seseorang tidak perlu khawatir terlalu banyak
  6. I am most upset to hear that.
    – Saya sangat kesal mendengarnya.
  7. I take my sympathy to you
    – Terimalah simpati saya kepada Anda
  8. I do sympathize with you.
    – Saya bersimpati padamu.

Showing Care/ Sympathy in an Informal Situation

  1. What a pity of you! (Sungguh disayangkan kau!)
  2. That’s too bad (Sayang sekali)
  3. That’s awful. (Itu mengerikan)
  4. Poor you, .. (Kasihan anda, ..)
  5. Oh dear. (Oh, sayang)
  6. Oh no! (Oh tidak)

Showing Care/ Sympathy in a Neutral Situation

  1. Be patient, it would be better soon (Bersabarlah, akan segera lebih baik)
  2. I know how what you feel (Aku tahu bagaimana perasaanmu)
  3. What extremely bad luck. (Nasib buruk sekali)
  4. You must be very upset. (Anda harus sangat marah)
  5. I’m sorry to hear that. (Aku turut berduka cita)
  6. It would be OK soon. (Ini akan segera baik-baik saja)
  7. I know how it feels. (Aku tahu bagaimana rasanya)

Ada juga beberapa tanggapan dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk menerima ucapan simpati dari orang lain. Berikut ini contoh-contohnya:

  1. I would be OK, thank you very much for your support
    – Saya akan baik-baik saja, terima kasih banyak atas dukungan Anda
  2. Thanks for your sympathy
    – Terima kasih atas simpati anda
  3. Thanks for your support
    – Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda
  4. Thank you very much
    – Terima kasih banyak
  5. That’s a pity, isn’t it?
    – Sayang sekali, bukan?
  6. It’s very kind of you
    – Hal ini sangat baik dari Anda
  7. I hope so
    – Aku harap begitu

Contoh Dialog Showing Care / Sympathy untuk 2 Orang

Tina: Hi, Arie. You look so sad, what happened?

Arie: I’m so sad Tina. My grandma passed away last night.

Tina: Really? I’m so sorry to hear that.

Arie: Thanks Tina.

Tina: Ok. I know she is a humble woman.

Arie: Yes, she is not only humble but also tough.

Tina: Hopefully we can set an example from her good attitude Arie.

Arie: I hope so Tina.


Contoh Dialog Showing Care / Sympathy untuk 3 Orang

One day, Bambang and Rudy were crossing a road when suddenly they met Wati in a side of the road.

Bambang: Hi, Wati. I am Bambang and he is Rudy. Do you still remember us?

Rudy: Yeah, I sat behind you when we were in the 11th grade.

Wati: Oh, you are Bambang and Rudy. I can hardly recognize you. How are you both guys?

Rudy: We are fine, thank you. And how are you doing?

Wati: Well I am doing great! Why are you here guys?

Bambang: Well, we want to visit our grandpa.

Rudy: Anyway please listen Wati. I am sorry for not being able to attend your wedding party.

Bambang: Yaa, I am too Wati.

Wati: That’s all right. But you missed meeting our old friends.

Bambang:  I know. Well, actually I was on our way to your party when suddenly my mom called me to inform that my grandpa was hospitalized.

Rudy: That’s right Wati. Having known the news, we directly went to the hospital that day.

Wati: Oh, guys I’m sorry to hear that. By the way how long has he been being hospitalized here?

Bambang: Thank you Wati. He has been being hospitalized for a week.

Wati: Wish he get better soon guys.

Rudy: Thanks a lot Wati, hopefully.


Contoh Dialog Showing Care / Sympathy untuk 4 Orang

Lee Mary: Hello, John, What happened? You look so dejected. What’s wrong? ·

John Aun: My pet lost, Mary.

Lee Mary: Oh I know what you feel, John. What’s that?

John Aun: I’m so sad that I don’t want to talk about it now. Please Ju Min, tell her.

Ju Minoo:  It is an angora cat named Doniee, his beloved pet Mary.

Lee Mary: I have a good idea. What about if after school we help John to look for his cat?

ShuShyy: Ok, I agree with you. Hopefully we can find him and John won’t be sad anymore.

John Aun: Thanks guys, you know me so well.

Shu Shyy: Haha what are friends for?

Ju Minoo: Don’t be sad anymore John, I’m sure that we can find him soon.


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See also  200 Nama Hewan dalam Bahasa Inggris (dari A-Z)

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