Contoh Teks Dialog Making an Appointment – Rudi akan mengajak Sofian agar bertemu dengannya. Rudi dan Sofian biasa berbahasa Inggris dalam bercakap-cakap. Bagaimana cara Rudi mengungkapkan janjinya dalam bahasa Inggris?
Membuat janji dalam bahasa Inggris disebut making an appointment. Inilah yang admin bahas dalam tulisan kali ini.
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Contoh Teks Dialog Making an Appointment
Making an Appointment
Untuk membuat janji, bisa menggunakan kata-kata berikut ini.
- Can we meet at …? (Bisakah kita bertemu di …?)
- Are you free tonight? (Apakah anda bebas malam ini?)
- I’d like you to come and see me. (Aku ingin kamu datang dan menemuiku.)
- I want to make an appointment to see … (Saya ingin membuat janji untuk bertemu …)
- I’d like to make an appointment with … (Saya ingin membuat janji dengan …)
Accepting an Appointment
Apabila ingin menyetujui suatu janji, kata-kata berikut ini dapat dipakai
- Yes, I’ll come. (Ya, saya akan datang.)
- Be there on time. (Ke sana tepat waktu.)
- I’ll be there. (Saya akan ke sana.)
- I’ll be there at the time. (Saya akan ke sana pada waktu itu.)
- Sure, I’ll be waiting for you. (Tentu, aku akan menantimu.)
- It’s a deal. (Ini kesepakatan.)
- I will wait for you there. (Aku akan menantimu di sana.)
- All right, see you there. (Baiklah, sampai ketemu di sana.)
Cancelling/rejecting an appointment
Apabila karena suatu hal ingin menolak atau membatalkan janji, kata-kata berikut ini dapat digunakan.
- I’m afraid I can’t. (Aku takut aku tidak bisa.)
- I’m sorry, I can’t. (Maaf, aku tidak bisa.)
- I don’t think I can make it. (Kurasa aku tidak tidak bisa menepatinya.)
- I’m sorry. I can’t come. (Maaf. Aku tidak bisa datang.)
- Sorry. I think I have another appointment at the time. (Maaf. Saya pikir saya punya janji lain pada waktu itu.)
- No, I can’t. (Tidak, saya tidak bisa.)
- I’m sorry, I’m very busy. (Maafkan saya, saya sangat sibuk.)
Contoh Teks Dialog Making an Appointment
- Ira : Hi Friska. Are you free tonight?
- Friska : Yes, I am.
- Ira : I’d like to make appointment with you. Come in my place. I need your help.
- Friska : I’ll be there.
- Ira : Thanks. I hope you can help me solve my homework.
- Friska : OK. See you tonight.
- Ira : See you.
- Ira : Hai Rika. Apa anda bebas malam ini?
- Friska : Ya.
- Ira : Saya ingin membuat janji denganmu. Datanglah ke tempatku. Aku butuh bantuanmu.
- Friska : Aku akan berada disana.
- Ira : Terima kasih. Saya harap anda bisa membantuku menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya.
- Friska : Oke. Sampai ketemu malam ini.
- Ira : Sampai jumpa.
Tambahan Contoh lainya:
This is another post of making appointment or arrangement to meet someone. Two previous discussions; phrases of making appointment and video learning of making appointment are helpful if they are completed with some example of dialog that consist of making appointment.
The following is the phone call between patient and clinic, it is about making appointment. This sample of dialog in making appointment is taken from Study the phone conversation bellow!
Short Dialog of Making Appointment
Clinic: Hello,
Patient: I’d like to make an appointment for a check-up.
Clinic: Have you been here before?
Patient: No, I haven’t.
Clinic: We have an opening on Friday, October 12th at 3 o’clock.
Patient: I’m sorry, I work on Friday’s. Do you have any appointments available on Monday or Wednesdays?
Clinic: Our first Monday appointment would be October 22nd at 9 in the morning. Could you make that?
Patient: Yes, that would be fine.
Clinic: What is your name?
Patient: Luci Garcia.
Clinic: What is your phone number?
Patient: 764-2110.
Clinic: Is that the 206 area code?
Patient: Yes, that’s right.
Clinic: What is your date of birth?
Patient: 10/13/63.
Clinic: How will you be paying for this appointment? Do you have health insurance or medical coupons?
Patient: No, I don’t. Can you tell me what the charge would be for this visit?
Clinic: We charge by sliding scale. You will need to bring your last 2 pay-stubs, an ID, and a 10$ deposit. Please come 1/2 hour before the time of your appointment to fill out a medical history.
Patient: OK. I will do that.
Clinic: OK. I’ve noted that on the schedule. We will see you on Monday, October 22nd at 9 for a physical check-up. Plan on spending about 1 hour at the clinic.
Patient: Thank you. Good-bye.
Clinic: Good-bye.
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For basic lesson how to make appointment in English, you can learn some vocabularies, phrase, and sentences below
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