24 Contoh Soal Invitation Letter Terlengkap dan Bahasan

Contoh soal invitation letter dimana akan mennyangkut banyak hal dan aspek mulai dari jenis undangan pernikahan, kemudian juga ada jenis text dan masih banyak lagi dimana tentu saja akan kami hadirkan kepada sahabat semua lengkap dengan kumpulan soal beserta beberapa contoh terbaru dari invitation letter ini.

Contoh Soal Invitation Letter Dan Jawaban invitation letter

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.

Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring Invite you to share the joy of the marriage uniting their daughter Alice Sembiring To Jeffry Sitorus Friday, the thirthteenth of June two thousand and eight At three o’clock in the afternoon Gajah Wong Restaurant JI. Affandi Yogyakarta

1. The purpose of the text is to invite you ….

A. To attend Mr and Mrs Sembiring’s marriage
B. To unite Alice an Jeffry in a wedding party
C. To attend Alice and Jeffry’s wedding party
D. To marry with Mr and Mrs Sembiring

2. Which statement is TRUE based on text?

A. The party will be held on june 13th, 2008
B. Jeffry Sitorus is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring’s son
C. The party will be sponsored by Gajah Wong Restaurant
D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring will celebrate their anniversary

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 and 4.

2 P.M.

3. Where is the party?

A. At a garden
B. School
C. Kahfi Residence
D. Suhito Home

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4. The party will be held ….

A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. At night

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 7.

Please join us
In celebrating the graduation of:
Sunday, November 30th, 2017
at 8 p.m.
Abdul Wahid Avenue 56 Bondowoso
Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo Please
RSVP by November 28th, 2017
Desi – 085739999789

5. Which statement is true based on the text?

A. Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo held this party for themselves
B. Yuniar Bestiana has just finished her postgraduate study
C. People should call Desi to see Yuniar Bestiana
D. This party will be held for Desi

6. “In celebrating the graduation of” The underlined word has closest meaning with ….

A. Blame
B. Honor
C. Deny
D. Neglect

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 and 8.

Soft and sweet, a state of bliss
Our mommy-to be is expecting a girl
Let’s shower Desi Bestiana with love
Friday, December 19th, 2017
At 4 p.m.
RSVP by December 16th, 2017-11-27
Aditya – 083855576876

7. From the text we can infer that ….

A. Desi Bestiana is going to deliver a baby
B. The party will be held in the morning
C. Desi Bestiana has delivered a baby boy
D. Desi Bestiana is a mother to be

8. Our mommy to be is expecting a girl What does the underlined word mean?

A. Recognizing
B. Admitting
C. Confessing
D. Waiting for

Read the following text to answer questions number 9 and 10.

SMP. Negri 137
JL Cempaka Putih Barat 15/26
Telp (021) 4244612
Dear Sabrina
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 8,2017
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall

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Agenda= final preparation for the 2015 PENSI competition please com on time, see your there.


Secretary Farhan,

Chair Person

9. The meeting will be held?

A. On Sunday, August 8,2017
B. On Saturday, August 8,2017
C. On Friday, June 8,2017
D. On Saturday, June 8,2017

10. Based on the text, we know that .…

A. The meeting will be held in the school hall
B. If you cloud not come, you should call Nazmi
C. The meeting only invites the committee
D. The meeting will be held in the morning

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